SPIN reunited!!!!
Uh...under construction.... Okay, hello there. For those of you who were superemly bored on the web and just aimlessly stumbled onto this page, you probably are wondering what the heck this thing called SPIN is. Well, I suppose that I'm here to educate you. You really are on the wrong page though...Are we some sort of evil cult that is planning to destroy the world? I don't think so...Or how about a...well, let me just tell you what the heck we are. SPIN is really just a bunch of girls, the very best of friends might I add, that decided we needed an acronym for ourselves. So what is so special about these girls? No, we don't have super powers (though we do seem to have some sort of magical thing surrounding us that seems to attract guys ;P) nor do we don't fly. We're just best friends seperated by millions of miles after four years of good and bad times. This page is all about making sure that we stay close even if we are seperated. I love you guys....Enjoy and hopefully by the time you leave, you'll have learned something.....
Shasta's bit

Trish's bit
Ivy's bit

Dina's bit

To Dina's So Called Life
All about Dina. It's still in the making so don't judge it till it's almost ready. If that ever happens...

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